Firstbase Awarded RemoteTech Breakthrough’s Employee Onboarding Solution of the Year

Firstbase Award

We are humbled and thrilled to announce that Firstbase has won the 2023 RemoteTech Breakthrough Award for Employee Onboarding Solution of the Year

The RemoteTech Breakthrough Awards program honors best-in-class technologies, services, companies, and products that empower remote work and distributed teams around the globe. This year’s program attracted more than 1,250 nominations from over 15 different countries, only emphasizing flexible work’s influence.

“From laptops to standing desks, Firstbase ensures remote workers have what they need to stay engaged and productive. This is essential, as most new hires who receive poor onboarding plan to quit,” said Bryan Vaughn, Managing Director of RemoteTech Breakthrough Awards, in the press release

In fact, a staggering 80% of new hires who receive poor onboarding plan to quit. On the flip side, organizations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%. We know which side you’d rather be on. Plus, these mistakes come at a major cost—up to 9 months of an employee's salary to replace them, on average.

“Legacy employee outfitting processes are completely reliant on a static office environment with close physical proximity—i.e., the old IT closet,” continued Bryan Vaughn. “Proximity is no longer there in a remote world. Firstbase provides both a software and hardware solution for employee onboarding and ensures a smooth process from beginning to end.” 

This lack of proximity has broken traditional processes, resulting in IT being stuck with manual, low-value tasks instead of strategic ones that help grow the business. 

“Thank you to RemoteTech Breakthrough for rewarding our goal of streamlining the onboarding process from procuring, storing and shipping equipment, to emailing back and forth with employees,” said Firstbase CEO & Founder Chris Herd. “Without having the equipment to do their jobs, employees can’t have a great onboarding experience.”

Looking to up your onboarding game? Click here to request a demo and see how Firstbase can help.

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