Mastering IT Logistics with the Three 'R' Strategy

Watch the recording of our webinar to unlock the secrets of effective IT management in a distributed or international company growing from several hundred, to several thousand employees. Mason Proud from Sprout Social shared his learnings on the journey of growth and how he manages his team’s time and focus, while providing a best-in-class employee experience.

Here's what you'll learn:

  1. Mastering the Art of Retrieval:
    • Streamlined Processes: Learn how to set up efficient systems for retrieving old devices, including international logistics.
    • Secure Methods: Understand the importance of secure data retrieval and how to mitigate risks.
    • Third-Party Benefits: Discover the advantages of using a disinterested third party in the retrieval process for enhanced security and efficiency.
  2. Refresh Strategies for Modern IT Infrastructure:
    • Effective Wiping Techniques: Gain insights into the best practices for wiping old devices, ensuring data security and compliance.
    • ITAD Readiness: Learn how to prepare devices for IT Asset Disposition, balancing environmental responsibility and data security.
  3. Redeployment Tactics for Optimal Resource Utilization:
    • Maximizing ROI: Explore strategies for reusing devices in a way that demonstrates clear Return on Investment.
    • Custom Deployment Solutions: Understand how to tailor the redeployment process to meet the specific needs of your distributed company.
  4. Execution Excellence in IT Logistics:
    • Efficient Procurement: Discover methods for sourcing the best devices efficiently and cost-effectively.
    • Seamless Coordination with Employees: Learn how to simplify the process for employees, from receiving new devices to returning old ones.
    • End-to-End Management: Get a comprehensive view of managing the entire lifecycle of IT assets, from procurement to deployment.
  5. Beyond Vendor Dependence: Self-Sufficient IT Management:
    • Autonomous Program Management: Uncover the keys to running a successful IT program without heavy reliance on vendors.
    • Facing Challenges Head-On: Learn about the common challenges faced by IT, finance, and HR departments in distributed companies and how to address them.
    • Case Studies: Gain insights from the experiences of Sprout Social and OpenGov in finding partners and managing IT logistics independently.
  6. Q&A Session:
    • Direct Access to Experts: Specific questions were answered by our panel of experts who have hands-on experience in scaling IT teams globally.